Deur Frédéric Bastiat (en Piet le Roux) In 1845 het die groot Franse ekonoom, Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850) ‘n beroemde petisie aan die Franse regering geskryf, waarin hy ‘n handelsboikot teen die son versoek het: die petisie van die kersmakers. Dit was ekonomiese satire op sy beste. Bastiat het die argumente van die proteksioniste in die regering op ‘n baie [...]
Category: Piet le Roux
Ensuring unemployment: UIF as a tax on employment
By Piet le Roux
Unemployment insurance in South Africa resembles insurance less and less and a welfare trap and a drain on the economy more and more. The Unemployment Insurance Fund thrives by taxing employment.
The Failure of BEE in Five Steps

By Piet le Roux Supporters of Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) argue that BEE promotes economic development, reduced inequality, social upliftment and other good causes. Actually, over the last decade, since the adoption of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Bill in 2003, the true main goal of BEE was the redistribution of capital according to artificial, [...]
The Unnatural Unemployment Situation in South Africa

By Piet le Roux.
A number of ill-conceived government interferences artificially narrow the employment window from both sides and contribute to aggravated, unnatural unemployment.