The Ludwig von Mises Institute South Africa defends the market economy, private property, sound money, and peaceful international relations. We believe government intervention is economically and socially destructive. This is our blog.
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- Joe Johansen on Don’t forget SARB QE: Part 2
- MarleyMarx on Crisis On The Cape Flats Caused By Decades of Social Engineering
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- iakovos on New Documentary Explains Global Financial Crisis From the Perspective of the Austrian School of Economics
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Mises SA Articles
- Say’s Law, Credit Expansion & the Business Cycle March 14, 2014
- Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough December 5, 2013
- Eersteklas ekonomiese satire: Die Petisie van die Kersmakers November 25, 2013
Circle Bastiat
Fraud. Why the Great Recession?
Watch this crowdfunded documentary produced by Austrian school economist Jesus Huerta de Soto, author of "Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles," on what caused the Great Recession. Click to watch it free online.
Monthly Archives: December 2012
Not all that glitters is economics
Daniel Sanchez, editor of, once made the following important observation in a debate: Daniel Kahneman’s research (which is what Bernanke draws from for his “decision pitfalls” in chapter 1) sounds interesting. But, insofar as it is like the example … Continue reading
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Overheard at Cafe Hayek
During 2009 and 2010 I used to visit Cafe Hayek almost daily. Hosts Russ Roberts and Donald Boudreaux would be ready with a cup of freshly brewed Hayekian coffee and the Cafe would have a bustling atmosphere thanks to its … Continue reading
Wat is Oostenrykse Ekonomie?
Die verhaal van die Oostenrykse skool begin in die vyftiende eeu, toe volgelinge van Sint Thomas Aquinas, wat aan die Universiteit van Salamanca in Spanje geskryf en onderrig gegee het, probeer het om die volle omvang van menslike handeling en maatskaplike struktuur te verklaar. Continue reading
Schiff vs Mish
Peter Schiff takes apart Mike ‘Deflation’ Shedlock and his underperforming Sitka Pacific fund. via EPJ
Deck the halls with macro follies
Another great contribution from John Papola over at Econstories, the same guy who brought us the Keynes vs Hayek rap songs. Deck the halls with macro follies has had about 70 000 hits since it was YouTubed on the 5th … Continue reading
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New Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics is out
The latest QJAE is out and has some very interesting looking papers that will be worth the read. While the journal doesn’t look as action-packed as some previous additions, there are definitely a few that really catch the eye: Monetary Orders and … Continue reading
Inflation and the Fall of the Roman Empire
This is an old favourite of mine and every now and then I like to post it up for readers who haven’t read it yet. It is a transcript of Professor Joseph Peden’s 50-minute lecture “Inflation and the Fall of the … Continue reading