The Ludwig von Mises Institute South Africa defends the market economy, private property, sound money, and peaceful international relations. We believe government intervention is economically and socially destructive. This is our blog.
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- Joe Johansen on Don’t forget SARB QE: Part 2
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Mises SA Articles
- Say’s Law, Credit Expansion & the Business Cycle March 14, 2014
- Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough December 5, 2013
- Eersteklas ekonomiese satire: Die Petisie van die Kersmakers November 25, 2013
Circle Bastiat
Fraud. Why the Great Recession?
Watch this crowdfunded documentary produced by Austrian school economist Jesus Huerta de Soto, author of "Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles," on what caused the Great Recession. Click to watch it free online.
Tag Archives: Money Printing
Demographic Delusion
Michael Power, a strategist at Investec Asset Management and long-time inflation dove has penned a piece in the Business Day online titled, Demographics determine bipolar inflationary trends. Power has for years advocated for higher price inflation in South Africa, which … Continue reading
RE: On The Empirical Relevance of Austrian Business Cycle Theory
Chris: Further to your useful post, it goes without saying that Austrian methodology is wholly different from the empirical analysis employed in the Lester/Wolff study. Three points on this: Firstly, it is interesting that despite all the data shortcomings, the authors found … Continue reading
This week Chris Becker and I did some research on price inflation on a Wimpy burger and chips combo meal and the CPI over 41 years. We found that Wimpy prices are up 11000% since 1972, while the official CPI is only up about … Continue reading
Posted in Russell Lamberti
Tagged burgerflation, CPI, inflation, Money Printing, under-reported inflation
The problem when fractional banks still work
Since the financial crisis in 2008/09 the Federal Reserve has printed trillions of dollars and purchased assets with them, mostly US government bonds and mortgage-backed securities. This has caused the assets on the Fed’s balance sheet to swell by around … Continue reading
How to Argue with Krugman
Noahpinion (Noah Smith) weighs in on how to argue against Paul Krugman and says that Hans-Hermann Hoppe gets it all wrong. Hoppe insists on keeping it simple and asking people like Krugman how we can possibly create wealth by printing little … Continue reading
Bob Murphy on his inflation bet
Bob Murphy speaks up for himself about his lost CPI inflation bet in a comment on EPJ. Bob MurphyJanuary 1, 2013 at 8:43 AM Thanks Bob W. Just a few clarifications everybody: (A) I made the bet with David Henderson … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Bob Murphy, EPJ, inflation, monetary policy, Money Printing, QE
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The Currency War for Dummies
My new article out on The world is in a currency war. What is that? It’s when governments devalue their currencies in order to protect domestic industries against foreign competition. They believe that if their exchange rate is weaker … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged central bank, currency wars, fractional reserve banking, inflation, monetary policy, Money Printing, trade
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Leon Louw Is Right…In A Sound Money World cont.
In response to my article “Leon Louw Is Right…In A Sound Money World“, Katy asks the following: I am fairly new to the field of rigorous economics, so please assist me if you may. You said, “So while we might … Continue reading
Radio 702 ‘debate’ with Leon Louw on trade deficits
Just had a short semi-debate with Leon Louw on Bruce Whitfield’s Radio 702 show about the trade deficit issue that I wrote about here in response to Leon’s article here. I actually don’t think Leon and I are in major disagreement, … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged ABCT, fractional reserve banking, inflation, Money Printing, tax, trade
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Leon Louw Is Right…In A Sound Money World
Leon Louw has an article in today’s Business Day titled, “Econobabble has everyone worried over nothing.” Leon makes an essentially sound point, which is that the notion of a trade ‘deficit’ or ‘surplus’ is largely bogus. Louw is particularly debunking … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged business cycle, central bank, fractional reserve banking, inflation, malinvestment, monetary policy, Money Printing, trade