The Ludwig von Mises Institute South Africa defends the market economy, private property, sound money, and peaceful international relations. We believe government intervention is economically and socially destructive. This is our blog.
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- Joe Johansen on Don’t forget SARB QE: Part 2
- MarleyMarx on Crisis On The Cape Flats Caused By Decades of Social Engineering
- Daniel on BOE: “Money creation in the modern economy”
- iakovos on New Documentary Explains Global Financial Crisis From the Perspective of the Austrian School of Economics
- Blah on Mandela: The Great Symbol of South Africa’s Unfinished Fight For Liberty
Mises SA Articles
- Say’s Law, Credit Expansion & the Business Cycle March 14, 2014
- Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough December 5, 2013
- Eersteklas ekonomiese satire: Die Petisie van die Kersmakers November 25, 2013
Circle Bastiat
Fraud. Why the Great Recession?
Watch this crowdfunded documentary produced by Austrian school economist Jesus Huerta de Soto, author of "Money, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles," on what caused the Great Recession. Click to watch it free online.
Author Archives: Piet le Roux
Die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan en Grondonteiening
In die afgelope Sondag se Rapport wys ek op die ooreenkomste tussen die jongste grondhervormingsplanne van minister Gugile Nkwinti en die veelgeprese Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan van minister Trevor Manuel. Soos lesers van hierdie blog en reeds vanaf Junie 2012* weet: … Continue reading
New land reform proposals in South Africa
In what must read like something from a parallel universe to non-South Africans (and non-Zimbabweans, for that matter), South Africa’s department of Rural Development and Land Reform last week released its latest proposal for land reform. Far from limiting itself … Continue reading
What’s more dangerous to Zimbabwe than deflation?
This ENCA article warns of the alleged dangers of deflation in Zimbabwe. Besides not distinguishing (downward) changes in consumer prices from changes in money supply, it has some gems worth pointing out. And it leads me to wonder if two … Continue reading
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Laat die kindertjies na die staat toe kom
Net betyds vir die jaarlikse matriekuitslae, word ons herinner aan waarvoor staatsonderwys kinders gereed maak: slegs een lojaliteit en een diensbaarheid – aan die staat. [Invoeg: Gelukkig werk dit nie altyd nie, veral waar ouers betrokke bly.] Hier’s die banier … Continue reading
Remember to hit the road this December with audio books
For those about to hit the road and keen on brushing up on economics, has a fine repository of audio works, including lectures, essays and even complete economic treatises. Download them from here to compliment the sights as you … Continue reading
Sal Rob Davies ons teen mededinging met die son beskerm?
Toe minister van handel en nywerheid, Rob Davies, onlangs ‘n tarief op hoender goedgekeur het - kwansuis om plaaslike produsente te beskerm – het hy miljoene Suid-Afrikaners te na gekom deur hul vernaamste bron van proteïne duurder te maak. Dit is … Continue reading
Entrepreneurship in early 18th century Cape Town
Dr. Gerald Groenewald of the University of Johannesburg has written an article on entrepreneurship in early eighteenth century Dutch Cape Town. I’ve only skimmed the article, but what caught my eye was Groenewald’s references to Austrian economists, including Mises and … Continue reading
Executive director of visits SA
Readers of and local supporters of Austrian economics can look forward to a visit by foremost Austrian economist prof. Peter Klein. Klein, a specialist on the theory of the firm and entrepreneurship, as well as executive director of the … Continue reading
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Uitvoerende direkteur van besoek SA
Lesers van en plaaslike belangstellendes in die Oostenrykse skool in ekonomie kan uitsien na ‘n besoek deur ‘n voorste Oostenrykse ekonoom, prof. Peter Klein. Klein, ‘n spesialis op die ekonomie van die firma en entrepreneurskap, asook uitvoerende direkteur van … Continue reading
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Talking BEE on PowerFM with Sandile Zungu
In a recent debate on PowerFM, I joined Sandile Zungu, general secretary of the Black Business Council, to discuss the merits of South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) legislation. It was a thoroughly enjoyable 14 minutes and the second time … Continue reading
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